So, I got massage today. A very gentle one. Perfect. Love my massage therapist. Feel much better now
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Me walk funny...
So, I got massage today. A very gentle one. Perfect. Love my massage therapist. Feel much better now
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Zion National Park hike - more beautiful Utah!

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Red Mountain 50k race report

When we ar
After mile 17, I was really having some issues. I'm not sure if the lack of sleep over the last week or two got to me or what, but my legs felt horrible! I finally took some Perpetuem, which helped immensely, I was drinking plenty of water/Heed, eating lots of Clif blocks, I ate an Odwalla 'superfood' bar, which usually gives me tons of energy - I'm just not sure what was going on. I had lost Troy and Mike; I was alone from mile 17 to final mile 31; I was passed after mile 23 or so by 1 man and 3 women (for some reason I thought I must be in last place at this point!); I was struggling with extreme calf muscle pain (the downhills were fun but intense); I was weary of the pavement (which started after mile 12, the end of the jeep road); I was just plain tired. The aid stations were frequent and I would stop for at least a moment at each. I'm wondering if I really was eating enough or drinking enough. I truly suspect that I was just tired from this last month of low sleep and too much other activity and stress.
But the views! Wow! We went through a few beautiful ranch areas, lots of farmland, the rural town of Gunlock, Gunlock reservoir, and saw many amazing mountain views. My camera cut out on me around mile 20 and did not allow me to take any more pictures! I was so bummed! So, I just decided to enjoy what I was seeing and focus on positive thoughts. I was finishing this race! I would run when I could and walk when I hit small hills to save my legs. I did feel pretty good around mile 26 or so (hey, I had just finished a marathon!) and that energy lasted for a few miles.
Red Mountain 50k short report
I will have a full race report with pictures on Monday when I get back to Arizona. Utah is beautiful!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Road trip to Utah!!!!
I'll be leaving tomorrow to drive up to St. George, Utah for the Red Mountain 50k. I'm super excited. My friend Sarah (a non-runner) and I will be traveling about 8 hours or so in my 4-runner to St. George. It will be the first time I've traveled in that area of the country. We'll go over the Hoover Dam, which is supposed to be really cool, and then skip by Las Vegas (never been) and give it a wave, and then into Utah. Since the Grand Canyon is in the way, we have to travel from Arizona into Nevada, back into Arizona and then into Utah. I can't wait; I absolutely love road trips.
Race day weather - scattered thunderstorms (30% chance) and a morning low of about 41 degrees in Central, Utah, which is where the race starts (a little North of St. George). Should be warming up to about 68 degrees in Ivins, the end of the race (near St. George). I'll probably wear my arm warmers to start and then pull them off as I warm up. I'm really hoping there is no rain. I'm going to wear the same clothes I wore for Zane Grey; I had no chafing and was super comfy.
I'll be up early on race day! The race shuttle starts loading at 4:20am and leaves at 4:30am from Ivins; runners will be shuttled up to the race start in Central. Ivins is about 20 minutes from the hotel where we are staying in St. George, so I'll be getting up around 3:15am to get ready. I'm hoping to get some rest tonight, because I'm not expecting much sleep on Friday night. The race starts at 5:30am.

The course is 12 miles on jeep road (see picture above), following by 19 miles on pavement. I'm hoping the 19 miles on pavement will not injure me! It is supposed to be very pretty. Here is the elevation profile:
Lots of downhill action, so I'm hoping for a fairly fast race (well, for me). Goals:
1. Finish without injury
2. Finish in under 7 hours
3. Finish in under 6 hours. Given all the downhill and my marathon finish of 4:35, I think this goal is doable. What's 5 more miles? Ask me that on race day!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A long overdue trail run on the Yetman Trail
It had been 3 weeks since I did a trail run (since the Zane Grey race!) and it felt great to be out there.
The city is starting to add more trail signs and has a comprehensive plan for Tucson Mountain Park, which is great. However, that also brings more people in. I like the quiet out there.
I ran about 25 miles for the week. I have just felt pretty wiped out, with work being full tilt right now and the rental house renovation requiring a lot of thought and attention. I figured I was tapering anyway, so it was all good! I went over to the rental house afterwards and did more raking, shoveling, and cleaning for about 5 hours. It feels never-ending over there, but it is coming along.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A Dixie and Cracker Dog early morning walk/run
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Have to go back to work to rest up
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Chiclet Run!
One cool thing about road running - we checked out a garage sale! Didn't find anything I couldn't live without, though.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Morning running (the no picture post) and running plans in general
Sunday, May 4, 2008
First run since Zane Grey and thoughts on ultras...
See my 'Pinkcorker' visor? I had it embroidered before the race last week and wore it at Zane
My run this morning went well; no aches or pains. Felt great! So, I'm looking forward to ramping up the running this week. I'm switching to morning runs before work and going to work later because of the heat.
That being said, I signed up for the Red Mountain 50k held near St. George, Utah on Saturday, May 24th. Troy from Tucson signed up, also! I think it will be a fast race and I'm looking forward to getting out there and seeing what it is actually like to RUN 31 miles. I know, I just did a 33 mile race, but as soon as I would get running during that race, a steep, rocky or non-runnable section would present itself and I would be forced to hike. I would guess I hiked about half of the 33 miles. So, I think the Red Mountain 50k will be fun. The race director I talked to on the phone was excited that some folks from Tucson were coming to his race!
I want to thank Sarah for her running blog, which gave me the confidence to believe that I, too, could do an ultra. What an inspiration! I hope she heals from her injury soon and joins me someday in an Arizona ultra! Sarah lives in Portland, OR, and I was going up there for the Forest Park 50k on Memorial Day weekend; however, the cost of airfare caused me to change plans. I hope to make it up there someday and get to meet her. Thanks Sarah!
The results from the Zane Grey race are (finally!) up; however, they appeared to have messed them up. I came in 11:03:21, which was 41st out of 64 people (yay!). Quite a few of those 64 people were 50 milers that chose to end their race at the 50k finish line instead. Anyway, I am listed as finisher #49 instead of #41. I was told at race check-in on Friday night that my number was #480. On race day, though, I was given #481. I was worried, but assumed they had things straight. Well, they didn't. I emailed the RD, who assured me they would straighten it out.
Between that and the sorry aid stations at ZG (no boiled potatoes?) I was a little disappointed. It was my first ultra, and I know a lot goes into any race, so I'll hold back too much judgement. Overall, it was a great experience. I met some really amazing people, and have already exchanged emails with 2 people I met at the race, Connie and David. What a wonderful community to be a part of.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How I am Recovering from my Ultra
Here I am sanding cabinet doors for our fixer-upper rental house...
I seem to be recovering quickly from Zane Grey. I haven't run since the race, but I feel pretty good! Most of the soreness is abating, but I generally feel very tired. I am also babying the one blister that I got at Zane Grey that seemed to get a little infected afterward, but I think it is on the mend, too. The scratches on my legs are healing (wore a skirt to work today!) My allergies are the worst they've been in years (wildflowers!! wind!!!) so some of the tiredness is coming from that I'm sure.
I really do want to go for a run, but my job workload has been insane this week and we have been so busy working on our rental house, so I really have not had much time for running anyway. I'm looking forward to catching up on sleep over the weekend and I'm planning my first run since the race on Sunday. I did do a weight workout the other day, but kept it light on the legs.
I am craving another ultra, so I'm pretty sure I'm signing up for the inaugural Red Mountain 50k on Saturday, May 24th held near St. George, Utah. I feel like getting out of town for the Memorial Day weekend (only an 8 hour drive) and the endorphins are calling. AND, if I do it, I'll qualify for Marathon Maniacs (bronze level, of which one of the criteria is 3 marathons (or greater) in 3 months. The 3 would be:
1. Bataan Memorial Death March Marathon (26.2) - March 30th - DONE!
2. Zane Grey 50k (33) - April 26th - DONE!
3. Red Mountain 50k - May 24th
So, I would satisfy the criteria.
Red Mountain 50k should be a lot easier than Zane Grey, though - it is a net downhill race (2,200 feet drop in elevation, I believe), with 12 miles on trail (dirt road, mostly, not technical) and 19 miles on pavement through some pretty country in Utah.
I'll make the decision after I run on Sunday. Just want to make sure my legs will be ready to go at it again.