A while back, I mentioned I had news, and well, none of it is earth shattering, but it just seems that I have had a lot going on the last 3-4 months. So, here goes:
Totally rehabbed, doesn't stop me from doing much. Occasionally, I bump the screw heads on something, and it really gets my attention. Ouch! Otherwise, I'm working my way up on my weights/push ups and the numbness/swelling I was experiencing have gone by the wayside. Yay!
They restructured our Accounting dept, and everyone had to reapply for the 'new' jobs. My current job (Lead Accountant), that I just got promoted to in March, was eliminated and I didn't quite qualify for the 'new and improved' job (Accounting Manager), so I applied for a job similar to my old one. I did get the Senior Accountant position (there are 3 other Senior Accountants, also), although I'll be getting a drop in pay (since I won't be supervising anymore) starting February 2nd (tomorrow). 7% decrease. I also lost my office and now have to share an office with another Senior Accountant they hired (she is super nice, though, so that hasn't been bad at all). 6 people in my department got laid off, but 3 of those have found positions elsewhere in the company. It was devastating to watch people go that have worked there so long. I had 2 interviews for another job, but they chose a different candidate. They said they were very impressed by me, although I didn't quite have enough supervisory experience, so they are keeping me in mind for future positions. Although I have applied for other jobs, it seems God wants me here for now. I'm currently making peace with the new Accounting Manager (you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours), so I'm hoping that things get better. I'm also hoping that the new job will be less stress - I was really overwhelmed this past summer at work.
We had to put our blue heeler, Yentyl, down before Christmas (on December 13th). She was 14 years old and could barely walk or breath well. This was the 5th pet we have lost in 3 years. We lost my beloved Taylor, a Pekingese, at 14 years old on December 23, 2005 (she had cancer). We lost her 'twin' brother Buster 6 months later at 14.5 years old (put to sleep - he was full of cancer and frail). On December 19th, 2007, we lost our Cockapoo Buddie at 14 years old. Finally, we lost our bunny rabbit, Blackjack, on Labor Day. My husband said he was tired of digging holes in our backyard. We are both terribly sad at the loss of the last of the 4 'old' dogs. I just continue to love; I can't stop because of heartache, but it sure is hard sometimes. We'll miss you Yentyl. You were more like a person than a lot of people I meet.

I'm in pretty good health, but back after my wrist fracture, I had some regular bloodwork done, and it came out pretty bad. So, my doctor retested my liver tests, tested me for Hepatitis, and also for Thyroid problems. Everything came out fine on retesting, so we think it was the massive amount of Morphine and other drugs I got for my wrist that skewed the results. So, the only thing that came out not good in the end is my cholesterol. I am 207 total (over 200, not good) and my LDL (the bad cholesterol) was 121 and should be less than 100. My HDL (good cholesterol) was high, which is good. So, since it was high 2 years in a row, I am watching my butter and chocolate intake. I could eat whipped butter right out of the container. I put it on everything. Not anymore. Anyone who knows me knows 2 things for sure: I love to eat healthy, with the exception of chocolate/sugar/butter. So, I'm trying to be good. Wish me luck.
So, there you go. I'm getting the feeling that 2009 is going to be a much better year. To all my friends and family, on the trail and off - thank you for all of your love and support. I couldn't have made it through 2008 without you.
Oh, last piece of news: I'm planning on doing the Sageburner 50k in Gunnison, CO over Memorial Day weekend. Doesn't seem like you can register yet, but it looks like a fun race. As soon as I register, I'll put it on my race list (which needs some attention anyway). At 8,000 feet elevation, it ought to be a lung burner. Anyone want to join me?