Saturday, March 22, 2008

Catalina State Park 11 mile Race - Training Run

About 50 people turned out for a training run for the upcoming Catalina State Park race on April 12th. There are two options - 5.5 miles and 11 miles (2 loops). I'm doing the 11 miles, so I ran about 10 miles with my friend Shari and saw a few other friends and familiar faces (Mark M. and Martinho R.). We cut off about 1 mile of the course, which had a slight incline, just so I wouldn't wear out my legs.

There was water running out there, so we did get our feet wet. It felt great, since it was warming up fast. I wore my white Moeben sleeves, but only for the first 3 - 5 miles.

There are a few areas of hills/elevation gain, but not much. There is a set of 'stairs' on each loop, about 90 or so.

We did see a snake on a side trail. For some reason, I'm not too afraid of snakes (I do try to watch out for them - it just isn't one of my big worries about trail running). For the most part, they seem to avoid trails and people. Disclaimer: I know nothing about snakes and just made up that last statement. :)

I got in about 28 miles this week. Perfect for a taper, although my legs are tired from the speed and climbing I have been doing. Time to rest now. I got a deep tissue massage today, which was wonderful, and it really loosened up my legs.


Sarah said...

Enjoy the rest of your taper!

Anonymous said...

what fun!!!
i can't believe the snakes are out already - i ran into two today!