Yep, I missed a turn and went a 1/2 mile off course, and finally realized it when I was going deeper into the Tortolitas instead of back towards the city. So, I backtracked and found the right turnoff. The RD, Ott, had marked turns pretty well, but I was running at such a good clip that I missed his BRIGHT ORANGE sign, which was next to the 'Alamo Springs' trail sign (the trail we were supposed to stay on). Lack of sleep and too much overtime at work will do it every time....
And, you know, it really is all about the experience. That extra out and back was just beautiful and so runnable.
I was bummed, though, because I was doing very well before that happened! But, shortly after getting onto the right trail, I ran into Cathy, a participant who was going the wrong way on the course! She was coming at me and was so happy to see me! She said she had been going in circles and couldn't find her way back and felt like she was going to cry! So...all of a sudden, I felt so helpful. If I hadn't gotten off course, I would never had seen Cathy, nor would anyone else (I was second to last because of my gaffe and Cathy came in last). My getting lost was not in vain. She was very grateful and I was so glad I could be of service. I was just feeling yesterday this need to give of myself more to others. Thank you God!
Pictured: Siouxsie (Cathy's daughter), Cathy, me and Patricia. I ran with Patricia during last year's Summer Trail Series.
I'm sure they would have found Cathy when they swept the course, but she certainly would have really had a tough time out there by herself in the meantime. I've been lost before and it is not a great feeling.
All of my pictures came out blurry; I had inadvertently changed a setting on my camera, and I'm not sure why it affected the clarity.
Total time: 1:56:49
Total cumulative elevation gain/(loss): 1,790/(1,815) feet
High point: 3,841 feet
I was going to run more afterwards, but I was just beat, and it was starting to get hot, since we were down at lower elevation. I called it good.
Of course, Ott had mini-bagels and yummy turkey breast, which I very much enj
oyed, and all sorts of great food. Another fantastic race by Cat Foot Racing. I wish I could do race #3 on Mt. Lemmon next week, which sounds awesome, but I'll be in Flagstaff for a conference (I'm hoping to get to do Mt. Humphreys while I'm there.)
I've been trying out some new shoes - I've worn Montrail Vitesse for a long time for rocky trails (Inov8's for sandy, less
technical trails), but I started having a lot of toenail problems. I switched to the La Sportiva Wildcat and so far, so good. They have a hefty toe guard and my feet feel like they don't shift around so much and jam up on the downhills. Plus, they were 50% off at (49.95!). I liked them so much, I bought another pair to use later.
HOW did you get the Wildcats for 50% off????????? We missed that one!!!
Renee, how do the Wildcat's sizing compare to your other running shoes?
I am thinking about ordering a pair and am unsure of how they fit. Thanks!
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