Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tribute to the dogs...

It was here for as long as it needed to be here, like everything or everyone...
Taylor, you were always my baby. You lost your eye when you were younger and you were still a happy dog afterwards. You also swallowed a cross stitch needle and had to have surgery! What a survivor. Taylor left us after 14 years on December 23rd, 2005.

Buster, you were always the insecure one - I really understood you. After your sister Taylor left, I felt so protective of you. Buster left us after 14 years in May, 2006.

Buddie, you were the character of the bunch and always took such good care of Yentyl. Buddie was always so happy to see us when we got home. "Roo Roo Roooooooooo!!!!!!!" Buddie left us after 14 years on December 19, 2007.

Yentyl, you were always more like a person than a dog. I loved the way you talked to us. Yentyl left us after 14 years on December 13, 2008.

It was hard to do this post. Especially when I already feel such a loss in my life right now. I am just thinking of them so much right now since we lost 3 of them during the month of December. But, these little angels  brought so much joy to me. Their memory makes me smile. Memories of someone or something that I've lost are always with me. Thank you, God, for all of the wonderful gifts you have given me, even if some of them were only with me for a short while. 

1 comment:

HappyTrails said...

Thanks for making us cry, Renee! :-)
Like you said, you were blessed to have them add richness to your life and they were lucky to have you as their mom. 2010 is a new start - it can be a good one!