Sunday, September 9, 2012

TTR Mt. Wrightson Ascent - PR!

First TTR run of the new season! This is a timed ascent only. Everyone reports their time to the top only, so it is one of the few times that people actually hang up at the top of Wrightson - 9,453 feet - for any length of time. It is always good to reconnect with TTR friends after a long hot summer in Tucson. We had a lot of new people out on this run, too, which was cool.

Gene, our run director. I've got my 'camo' skirt on. Ready for action!

My fastest time to the top is 1:52, so I was hell bent on beating it. I had been fighting a cold that was settling in my lungs over the past few days, so I huffed and puffed to the top. I knew I was doing better than before since I made it to Josephine Saddle and Baldy Saddle quicker than I ever have.

To the top - 1:46 - PR!

To Josephine Saddle: 42.5 minutes
To Baldy Saddle: 1:25

Dallas waited for me at the top. He got up in 1:30 and the fastest guy arrived in 1:09! Unbelievable. So, I got to run down with Dallas and Joel, and I ran down about 5 minutes faster than I ever have (and this time, I felt like we were taking our time).

Total time: 3:08 (not including a few minutes at the top)
Distance: 10.8 miles round trip
Elevation gain: about 4,000 feet

Tapering for Flagstaff 50k in two weeks. All of my TTR friends are running the 50 mile option; I'm not quite ready for that yet. The 50k will be challenging enough! It is beautiful up there in Flagstaff. I'm excited. First ultra since Zane Grey 50 in April.

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